24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Two Buckhead Coalition gifts bring smiles and more

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The Buckhead Coalition is known for passing out gifts from time-to-time….giftsthat often bring a smile to the faces of the recipients and frequently put ajingle in their pockets.

Coalition's Sam Massell
The Coalition continued its practice recently in two very different ways,involving very different types of people, but still consistent with thephilosophy and common practices of its president Sam Massell.
The first was an unusual gift to the more than 100 business, civic and(should I say) political leaders who attended the Coalition’s recent annualluncheon celebrating its 25 years of community service. The second was to aWestminster Schools student who was a big winner on Jeopardy.
In the case of the 25thanniversary luncheon, when salutations are expressed, the Buckhead Coalition maywell be able to claim first place.  At its annual luncheon meeting it traditionallygives gift bags to all guests at the close of the meeting. This year’s gift bagcontained a special helping of good spirits.
Among the items in thezippered tote bag was a Coalition Achievement History primer, acustom-researched report on Buckhead office development, the 2013 Buckhead Guidebook, a just-publishedGeorgia hardback coffee table book, and a special celebratory treat—a bottle of“White Dog” whiskey as Massell called it.  
Atlantan's Charlie Thompson and Jim Chasteen shown
during a 2012 presentation to the Buckhead Business
Association of their new American Spirit Whiskey. 
The fifth of craftwhiskey, something that looks very much like what’s known in bootlegging circlesas “white lightning”, was a government-legal limited production whiskeyproduced by two Atlantans, Charlie Thompson and Jim Chasteen, who are buildingtheir own business the fun way, for their genuine and mutual enjoyment.     
As this was the Silver (25th)Anniversary of the Coalition and the keynote speaker for the event wasnationally-renowned comedian Jeff Foxworthy—known for his dry and trademarkedred-neck humor—what could be more appropriate, asked Massell. 
The Coalitionpresident pointed out that “Craft” beers (also brewed in limited quantities) have becomevery popular, “and this is under similar auspices, at a slightly moresophisticated level.“ The partners, operating as the American Spirit WhiskeyCompany, provided their select beverage as their introduction to this top-tierbusiness group. 
Nilai Sarda shown during his winning
appearance on Jeopardy.
“The only unknown now,is did the value of the Coalition’s combined gifts exceed the maximumdollar-value political persons should accept,” Massell said. “But who’s asking,as everyone came away happy.” 
Shortly after theCoalition annual luncheon, Massell read at BuckheadView about WestminsterSchools student Nilai Sarda winning third place and $26,400 on Jeopardy, fundsthe student plans to use for his college education. Massell sent Sarda a noteof congratulations and something else.
“As a resident of ourcommunity, you make us proud as you bring credit on you school, Westminster,”Massell wrote.
“We’re pleased you areconsidering serious use of the funds you were awarded,” Massell continued, “butwe’d like you to have some fun for the effort, for which we enclose a BuckheadLife Restaurant Group $100 gift card.”
That’s worth a smileand also added a deserved jingle in Nilai Sarda’s pocket. 

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