George Rohrig at the recent Buckhead Coalition's annual luncheon. |
Atleast six Rohrig-related companies are seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcyprotection, which allows a company time to temporarily hold off creditors andreorganize affairs while still operating.
The companies that filedTuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Atlanta are: Rohrig Investments LP, RohrigPollack LLC, 431 W. Ponce De Leon LLC, Cartel Properties Spalding Woods LLC,525 Moreland Avenue LLC and Cartel Properties II LLC.
Rohrig Investments LP, thelargest of the six, reported in the range of $10 million to $50 million in bothassets and liabilities.
Rohrig’s main business — CartelProperties — is not involved in the filings. A representative at the companydeclined to comment and said Rohrig was out of town.
Rohrig has been in partnership for years with Buckhead’sCharlie Loudermilk and Robin Loudermilk with ownership of several properties inMidtown Atlanta. Rohrig-Loudermilk partnerships have over time controlled sixconsecutive corners along Peachtree from Fifth to Eighth streets in Midtown,all of which they reportedly purchased out of bankruptcy proceedings.
Reached by phone, Robin Loudermilk told BuckheadView he knewnothing about the bankruptcy filing until BuckheadView’s call. CharlieLoudermilk, who was in Piedmont Hospital for medical tests, could not bereached for comment.
Ward Stone Jr., an attorney with Macon,Ga.-based Stone & Baxter LLP who represents Rohrig told the AtlantaBusiness Chronicle, “The purpose in the Chapter 11 filings is to restructuretheir current financial obligations and to continue in business."
As a major property owner in the former Buckhead Village, Rohrig’sdecision to sell some of those holdings eventually set the stage for thecurrent Buckhead Atlanta mixed-use project.
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