6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Rep. Lindsay seeks broaden Water Conservation and Drought Relief Act with introduction of new legislation

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State RepresentativeEdward Lindsey of Buckhead today introduced legislation (House Bill 199) that wouldallow Georgia to utilize emerging technologies in water conservation bybroadening the scope of the “Water Conservation and Drought Relief Act.”

Rep. Edward Lindsey
“We must be cautiousand pragmatic when managing our most valuable natural resource; water,” saidRep. Lindsey, who is Majority Whip in the House. “Access to clean water,conserving and managing existing reservoirs, and utilizing the most recenttechnologies in water conservation should be the goal of all Georgians. 
“Protecting our waterresources is a particular concern when we analyze the growth that is expectedto take place in our state,” Rep. Lindsey added. “We want to prosper as astate and region, and a critical ingredient of that prosperity is access tosufficient clean water.”
Recent technologydevelopments have greatly increased the ability to measure and reduce waterlosses.  HB 199 seeks to utilize these developments by applying freemarket forces that benefit a wide spectrum of Georgia businesses, bothtraditional and high tech, while reducing the economic cost and risk to rateand tax payers. 
The legislation wouldalso allow the state to partner with businesses and utilities throughout thestate in order to deploy meaningful options that are intended to secureGeorgia’s water resources.
“Broadening the scopeof the Water Conservation and Drought Relief Act is necessary to embrace thediverse programs that focus on water conservation and provide the state and itsutilities with smart water grid technologies,” Rep. Lindsey stated.
For more informationon HB 199, click here.
Lindsey represents House District 54, which includes portions of Buckhead.He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2004, and currently serveson the Rules, Appropriations, Education, Ethics, Industrial Relations, andJudiciary committees.

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