Trees Atlanta received agrant from the city of Atlanta to plant 1,000 trees as part of the program andTrees Atlanta is matching the grant one-for-one, creating a tree pool of 2,000trees, according to Susan Cunningham, who is NeighborWoods Program manager forTrees Atlanta.
The city grant was giventowards the NeighborWoods Progam, which plants and cares for trees inneighborhoods all over the city. The trees are in 15-gallon containersand are approximately 1 inch in caliper. This size is manageable forvolunteers, who do most of the planting and care.
NeighborWoods Programvolunteers water the trees for 2 years and mulch the trees for 3 years afterthey are planted to insure that they are well-established, according toCunningham. Then the care is turned over to the homeowner or businesswhere they are planted, or the city if they are planted in the right of way.
“We plant trees betweenOctober and March and we work with each individual neighborhood to plan theprojects to suit their needs,” Cunningham wrote in an email. “Please letme know if you have any questions pertaining to the NeighborWoods Program orthis grant in particular.”
Those interested inparticipating in North Buckhead's portion of this program, please send an emailto Please include your name, address, and contact information. Those inother areas of Buckhead can contact Susan Cunningham at
“I hope that someone inthe Buckhead area can take advantage of this great opportunity to add moreshade and oxygen to their street,” Cunningham wrote.
When the trees opportunity was brought up during the NeighborhoodPlanning Unit-B board meeting Tuesday night, Garden Hills neighborhoodrepresentative Michael Isaacs said Trees Atlanta helps plant 2,000 treesthroughout the city, including Maples, Oaks, Poplars and several other species.
“Typically, the way it works is you set a date outin the future, poll people and see how many want trees. They’ll deliver them,”Isaacs said. “They teach you how to plant the tree and you plant them.”
He said neighborhoods should bring volunteersand Trees Atlanta will also bring some too, and there needs to be organizationwithin the neighborhood to tend to the trees once planted.
“They have a huge problem with neighborhoodsgetting trees and not upkeeping them,” said Board member Abby Shepherd, whosaid she was a Trees Atlanta volunteer for a couple of years. Her job, she said, was watering the treesafter they were planted.
Shepherd said it is important neighborhoods havetheir own watering system because it is impossible for Trees Atlanta to waterevery tree planted. “They haveone truck and two people to water the entire city of Atlanta,” she explained.
For more informationabout Trees Atlanta and its programs, go here or call 404-522-4097.
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