Graduation Generation is a K-12cluster-based initiative designed to better equip children, predominantly fromlow-wealth communities, succeed in school so that they graduate on time and areprepared for college and career. Graduation Generation brings Emory Universitytogether with Atlanta Public Schools and the nonprofit Communities In Schoolsas well as more than a dozen philanthropic and nonprofit organizations toachieve the following goals: 1) students achieve academically and attain highlevels of performance; 2) students graduate on time with college and careerplans in place; 3) students demonstrate self-determination and strive forpersonal development that includes leadership development; 4) students benefitfrom good health and safety necessary for academic success. Activities focus onthe students, teachers, parents, and communities served by the Coan MiddleSchool-Maynard Jackson High School Cluster in the Atlanta Public School System.Emory faculty, staff and students engage with Graduation Generation throughtheir academic courses, co-curricular programs, research projects and volunteerservice, employing both community engaged learning pedagogy and asset-basedcommunity development principles. Graduation Generation was launched with a $1million gift from Emory alumnus trustee Rick Rieder 83B and is additionallyfunded by grants and individual gifts. Visit to learn more.
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