4 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Storm Sandy spurs reminder of Fulton’s ‘CodeRED’

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Devastationfrom storm Sandy missed Buckhead, but the community’s unofficial mayor, SamMassell warned in a press release it “emphasizes the importance of beingprepared” to protect persons and property.  

Sam Massell
Thepresident of the Buckhead Coalition took the opportunity to informBuckhead residents that, in addition to keeping on hand a reasonable supply ofemergency products like flashlights, drinking water, food staples, etc., they areable to participate in Fulton County’s “CodeRED” weather alert system.
Thisnew procedure is free to the user, by signing up in advance at www.fultoncountyga.gov/code-red-emergency-notification-system. The program provides automated storm warnings and otheremergency alerts to the citizens’ cell phones, land line phones, or othermobile instruments. 
Inaddition to weather situations, the system will be used for warnings of utilityoutages, major fires, roadway issues, criminal matters, gas leaks, evacuationnotices, and other neighborhood concerns.
Massell,a former Atlanta mayor, added, “the protection could provide a measure ofsafety for the entire community of Buckhead” for a customized situation. By contrast, the boundaries monitored could even be compressed to a singleblock.

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