18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Atlanta Fire Foundation honors city’s firefighters at third annual ‘Breakfast With Our Bravest’ in Buckhead

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The Atlanta FireFoundation honored the city’s firefighters—and even a few civilians—thismorning at its third annual “Breakfast With Our Bravest,” a ceremony hosted byAtlanta Fire Rescue Chief Kelvin Cochran, recently named Fire Chief of the Yearby Fire Chief magazine.

Honorary chair for thisyear’s event, which filled the ballroom at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel& Conference Center, was former Georgia Gov. Roy E. Barnes and the emceewas local news anchor Ted Hall.
Left to right at the head table are: former Gov. Roy Barnes, State Rep. Ed
Lindsey, Atlanta City Councilwoman Yolanda Adrean and Sam Massell,
former Atlanta mayor and president of the Buckhead Calition

Among Buckhead notablesattending were Buckhead Coalition President Sam Massell, who was  honorary chair for the first Breakfast WithOur Bravest, and Dist. 8 Atlanta City Councilwoman Yolanda Adrean.
The Breakfast With OurBravest honors firefighters and emergency rescue personnel with dozens ofawards each year—some of the most notable recognizing Atlanta Fire Rescuepersonnel who made great sacrifices, and risked their lives to save lives andproperty of others in performing their duties.
Simmons Co. President
Tony Smith
Along with the awardspresented Friday morning, Simmons Bedding Company announced that it is donatingapproximately 275 BEAUTYREST beds to Atlanta’s 30 Fire Rescue Departmentstations.
Simmons President TonySmith said it is important for firefighters to be robust, “which means restedand recharged….We think it is important that you literally get the support youneed,” he said, referring to the support provided by firm new mattresses.
In his opening remarksto the hundreds of firefighters, members of the Fire Foundation, civic leadersand civilians attending the breakfast Barnes recounted the famous Wyncoff Hotelfire in Atlanta’s history, which he said forged the Atlanta Fire Departmentinto the forefront of leading the way in training and innovations that affectedfire safety all around the country.
Chief Cochran provided aprogress report on the department listed accomplishments of improved responsetimes, elimination of personnel shortages and that no firefighter has diedduring the past year in the line of duty.
 Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran with Councilwoman Adrean
Cochran announced thatby May 2013, the department will have 100 more firefighters and will have anadditional 50 recruits in training.
“America truly is apromised land,” Cochran said, adding that “Atlanta is a model for the promisedland and out fire department has become the promised land fire department.”
Cochran told theaudience, “We don’t take for granted the confidence you have placed in us tokeep our city safe.” Quoting a Bible passage, he said to the firefighterspresent, “Those who will be chief, first must be your servant.”
That lead into theawards for the firefighters who serve the city every day.
Three of the significantawards presented during the event this year were the Medal of Valor, Awards ofMerit and Firefighter of the Year.
Medal of Valor winner Lt. Ronald Slatton receives his award
and a handshake from Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran. 
The Medal of Valor isawarded for “an act of bravery or heroism that clearly places the recipient ina life-threatening situation” and was presented to Lt. Ronald Slatton, withEngine 16.  On March 24, Slattonrisked his own life to help save a man who had fallen 40 feet into a silk pitnear Donald Lee Hollowel Parkway and submerged to the point of being barelyvisible. Slatton reached the semi-conscious victim and prevented him fromsinking further—becoming trapped himself—until technical rescue aid arrived andrescued both men.
Awards of Merit werepresented to two members of the department, Sgt. Varion Anderson andFirefighter David Warren, “for acts of heroism or bravery involving greatpersonal risk”
Firefighter of the Year Sgt. Bobby Stewart receives standing
ovation from the audience as he goes to get his award. 
On Sept. 23, Andersonresponded with Engine 12 to a two-car accident on Ponce de Leon Avenue andfound the driver of one car had a gun and threatened to harm those on thescene. Anderson went to the aid of the other driver, pulling her into the backseat of her car and out of the line of fire and administered medical care untilpolice were able to subdue the other driver.
On Sept. 6, Warrenresponded with Engine 25 to a house fire and heard that a person was trappedinside. Warren entered the heavily smoke-filled environment without aid of ahose line, located the unconscious victim saved a life.
Sgt. Bobby Stewart wasrecognized as Firefighter of the Year for his “overall work, performance,service, spirit and accomplishments.” In addition to his assignment as abattalion aide, he performs collateral duties on the tactical medic team andbike team, while also serving as a backup public information officer. Stewartalso is a fire cadet program coordinator and a live-fire instructor at the fireacademy.
Lt. Nicolette Williams receives her Community Service
Award from Chief Cochran and Fire Foundation board chair
Jacques Murphy (far right) for the video used with school
children that featured young rapper Yung Mieo, in photo. 
In addition, a host ofunit citations, team spirit awards and civilian employee of the year award  and the Fire Chief’s Award of Distiction,which was presented to Special Operations Fire Training Academy staff, also werepresented to department personnel.
But probably the most entertainingof all was the Community Service Award presentation. The award was presented toLt. Nicolette Williams for a program she administered to reach school childrenwith a fire safety message. But what made the presentation so entertaining wasthe video used in the program that was shown during the breakfast, featuring ayoung rapper, name “Yung Mieo” singing “Stop, Drop and Roll.” The doors at theback of the hall opened and Yung Mieo entered, performing the song live for theaudience.
Former Atlanta City Councilman Jim Maddox was presented
the Citizens Award of Honor by Chief Cochran. 
The Fire Foundation alsohonored former Atlanta City Councilman Jim Maddox, the longest serving memberof council, with the Citizen’s Award of Honor and the International Associationof Fire Fighters IAFF Champions Award was presented to Georgia State Rep.Edward Lindsey of Buckhead.  The Friendof the Foundation award was presented to the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel& Conference Center for its sponsorship each year of the awards ceremony.  
Concluding the ceremony,Jacques Murphy, chairman of the Atlanta Fire Foundation board, thanked thesponsors, the major ones being the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead, Toutman Sanderslaw firm, which paid for the awards, Simmons, The Home Depot Foundation, Krogerand TV channel 11 Alive.   

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