Thetree lighting will take place at 7 p.m. during the singing of “O Holy Night” andwill be followed by a fireworks display.
Morethan 100,000 people are expected to attend the show in Buckhead, not countingthose who will watch it on WSB-TV (7-8 p.m.) from the warmth of their homes.But there is no cost to the public to attend the show at Lenox Square and nocost to the city of Atlanta. Macy’s presents the Great Tree Lighting free of chargeeach year as a gift to the metro Atlanta area.
This year's tree comesfrom Mableton and isapproximately 35 years old and weighs 14,000 pounds. The 60-foot Georgia whitepine tree was planted in 1977 by a man who hoped it'd one day become the Macy'sChristmas Tree, according to news reports.
Forthe past eight years, patients from the cancer and blood disorders center ofChildren's Healthcare of Atlanta served as honorary tree-lighters. This year,Aflac Cancer Center patients Millie Baldwin and Myles Horton will switch on thetree's lights, illuminating the roof of the Macy's store at the mall.
Officialsadvise attendees to take MARTA to the Lenox Square or Buckhead stations sincethere will be limited parking available for the event at the mall.
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