24 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Did you see the big crane move at Buckhead Atlanta?

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The tall crane to the right in photo above was moving materials on Tuesday
morning. The materials being moved are at the center of the photo in the
gap[ between the two buildings. Below is a cropped version of the photo.
Listen up all youBuckhead nonbelievers!

On Oct. 31, BuckheadViewreported that concrete was being  pouredin one section of Buckhead Atlanta for the ground floor retail. We said watchfor more in November.
In that Oct. 31 articlewe mentioned that a reliable Buckhead business/development source told BuckheadView that the major work would begin inNovember and the tall cranes would likely start moving again.  By far the question mostasked of BuckheadView is: “When will the tall cranes start moving and workingagain at Buckhead Atlanta?”
Well, Buckheadnonbelievers, one of the big cranes was moving this morning and was actuallydoing some work. BuckheadView took photos of it from a balcony at the Gallerycondominiums, a few blocks south on Peachtree Road.
Now, the crane mighthave just been moving some materials from one place to another at the BuckheadAtlanta construction site, but it was moving and was doing work. And, it isonly the 20th of November.
For those of us who havebeen waiting and waiting with great anticipation, it is a good sign….a blessingthe Buckhead community can savor this Thanksgiving. Maybe more of the craneswill become active before Christmas. 

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