Rain barrels are a player in storm water management and healthier environmental stewardship. The rain barrels at the Orion School help us collect and store water while preventing storm run-off. A 55-gallon barrel can be filled up with only a ½” of rainfall. The water saved is free of chlorine and other chemicals like lime or calcium and can be used when needed. Saving water through this system protects the environment and decreases the overall need for tap water. Our students use our rain barrel water for a number of activities, including watering our organic garden. One of the most recommended approaches for teaching students with conditions including ADHD and Asperger’s is through experiential learning activities. At the Orion School, which is considered a special needs school, high interest and hands on activities are an integral part of each and every school day. Adding rain barrels to our outdoor classroom provides endless educational opportunities on ecological literacy that resonate with our students. Through the barrels our students will continue to learn concepts that align with Common Core Georgia Performance Standards even though they may not know this is always the goal for the activities they participate in. Standards met across grades and can include:
· Explain the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).· Determine that the weight of water before freezing, after freezing, and after melting stays the same. · Determine that water in an open container disappears into the air over time, but water in a closed container does not.· Relate various atmospheric conditions to stages of the water cycle· Understand the states of water and how they relate to the water cycle and weather.· Identify forms of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and hailstones as either solid (ice) or liquid (water).· Recognize that the changes in state of water (water vapor/steam, liquid, ice) are due to temperature differences and are examples of physical change. · Investigate the properties of a substance before, during, and after a chemical reaction to find evidence of change.· Recognize the significant role of water in the earth processes· Explain that a large portion of the Earth’s surface is water, consisting of oceans, rivers, lakes and underground water, and ice.· Understand the diversity of living organisms, interdependence of life· Describe the characteristics of Earth’s aquatic communities (i.e. freshwater, estuaries, and marine).· Recognize the effects of pollution and humans on the environment· Identify ways to protect the environment.· Describe methods for conserving natural resources such as water, soil, and air.· Predict how changes in the environment would affect a community (ecosystem) of organisms. · Understand erosion and the hydrological cycle· Understand concepts including watershed, runoff, pollution, and riparian · Recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species.
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