Seven dogs and a cat were seized by Porter County Animal Control on Monday from a residence in the 400 block of Sturgeon Drive in Union Township, the Porter County Sheriff’s Police said.
The owner of the animals is facing a possible charge of cruelty to vertebrate animals.According to a probable cause affidavit filed by Animal Control Officer Patrick Cassin, on Oct. 4 a neighbor complained about the smell—which “had gotten increasingly worse over the course of the last five years”—from a home across the street. Cassin attempted to speak to the property owner that day but was unable to make contact, although he did observe “a strong odor of animal feces coming from inside the residence,” he stated in his affidavit.
Two days later, Cassin returned, went to the back, and observed through a sliding glass door animal feces so thick on the floor that “the actual floor itself could not be seen,” he stated. Once again, however, he was unable to make contact with the property owner.
Then, on Thursday, concerned about the property owner’s welfare, a PCSP was dispatched to the residence, where he also failed to make contact but did say, after looking through the windows, “that the inside of the residence was in disarray and filled to approximately chest height (five feet) with trash.”..." More
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