It was a beautiful scene at the house... a large white tent in the cul-de-sac, tables, chairs, drinks, and best of all food! I was so excited, and ready for the festivities. But then - I got put in the back yard. Seriously? All the new people to smell, food to taste, kids to play with, snow cone shaved ice to chomp on. sigh. It was disappointing to say the least.
But then ... my Catherine came along. When she got to the house, of course she came to say hello to me first in the back yard. When she was closing the gate to join the party, I saw my opportunity and I took it. I'm good at that, I just dart out the gate when the person is not looking and least expecting it! I'm pretty fast too. :) So I headed straight for the people, and the food and the wonderfulness in the cul-de-sac. Everyone was screaming, "Rocky!" I was like, yep its me - I'm here!
I wasn't sure who to visit first - there was my mom, my brother and sister, some more of my favorite pet sitters, kids, grass, FOOD ... ahhhhhhh it was heaven. But, alas - after slipping through several hands I finally was caught. I guess I wasn't welcome just yet.
Back to the yard. About an hour later, when things had quieted a bit - Poppa Centola came for me. He might not admit it, but I think I'm growing on him. He lead me to the party and let me off the leash. And I showed everyone how good of a dog I am becoming! Mostly I laid in the grass, sniffed the kids, had some cool water, smelled around for any spare food left behind, and of course played with my dog buddy, Bear. All in all it ended well. I am starting to prove myself to the parents ... yes sir e bob I'm growing up.
Hope everyone has been enjoying the gorgeous weather and living it up!
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