20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Waiting ... Waiting

Hey Everyone!
  Hope you all had a fantastic summer!  I know I did.  I got to have some good boys time with my Dad and some great Spa time with my pet sitters while Mom, Mac and Liv were having fun down at the beach.  Man I miss them when they are gone ... I'm so happy everyone is back!

And now that school is back in session I've had a couple of chances to join Mom at the office!  I'm such a good helper at the office.  When someone is upset, I rest my head in their lap and they instantly feel better.  Its good for everyone.

Here's a pic of me and my boys ... waiting!  A few years ago when I was sick as a little puppy, but still full of energy, I got a little crazy with our old couch.  Let's just say Rocky 1 - Couch 0.  I love lounging on couches, which is why Mom and Dad waited for a while before my puppy stage had passed to get a new replacement.  Well this past weekend was the weekend!  I could barely contain my excitement for a new couch to snuggle with everyone! 

The new couch was supposed to be delivered last Friday night by 7:30pm.  Just in time for movie night!  Well, this was us at 10pm ... still waiting for our delivery.  It finally arrived at 10:30 that night.  And let me tell you Mom and Dad and Mac were thrilled - I was bummed.

Can you imagine, a big, comfy beautiful new couch ready for me and Pickles to snuggle on ALL day ... only for YOU, the DOG to NOT be able to get on it!!!!!????????  torture.

So why not?  Well, its new, its soft, its comfy .... its white.  Now why would they go and buy a white couch, weren't they thinking of their sweet dog at all?

It's ok they seem really happy and to REALLY enjoy the new addition.  And while I can't get on the couch, I can still join the group in the den on the awesome new gigantic dog bed they picked up for me.  Its green and brown and really soft.  It spans the entire room, really pulls the room together.  See in the picture?  We are all lounging together on my bed.  Everyone keeps calling it a "Rug" or something like that ... but I know the truth.  Love my dog bed.  :)

Peace Out

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