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A Message from J. Peterman about

My writing abilities have been somewhat diminished my a bout with dengue fever whilst traversing the bountiful wonders of the Costa Rican Rainforest. The offer below is designed to surprise AND delight any discerning person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts. A person of informed and discriminating taste: one who would be a connoisseur of fine wines.
The offer I am speaking of is not a difficult task. Simply click on this link, follow through to the merchant website, and the offer will be sent to your computer's address (I so much prefer the postal service. It is classier in every manner). Using that horrid email link, sign up for the newsletter (the sign up box is on the bottom left side of the web page), and $1.00 will be donated to Amazon CARES. What a philanthropic company! All you do is sign up for their e-mail newsletter and $1.00 is donated to the significant work by Amazon CARES in Peru. If the desire strikes you to make a purchase, a 2.5% donation is made to Amazon CARES! In addition to daily wine deals of up to 70% off, this magnificent and diverse site is perfect for its selection of gourmet gifts and wine accessories and crystal stemware as I have yet to find outside of my personal collection from around the world. Yours Truly, J. Peterman (via Molly Mednikow).
Please note that this is a satire and that I am in no way legitimately affiliated with the J. Peterman Company.
Getting the new iPhone 5? Use our link and we'll earn a donation! http://amazoncares.we-care.com/EOffer/c34600
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