16 Eylül 2012 Pazar

NPUs citywide send City Council resolution urging denial of Lindbergh big box plan for south Buckhead

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The Atlanta PlanningAdvisory Board (APAB), the parent organization for Neighborhood Planning Unitsthroughout Atlanta, on Saturday unanimously passed a resolution urging allAtlanta City Council members to vote no Monday and deny the requested land use andzoning changes for the proposed “big box” retail center for the Lindbergh areaof south Buckhead.

The votes on the fate ofthe retail center—officially listed on the City Council agenda for Monday asCDP-11-06 and Z-11-19—have met with massive opposition from throughout thecity, even though it is a Buckhead issue, and just might affect fund-raisingand the election of council members who support the issues when they come upfor re-election, according to sources.
This aerial map of the area where the retail center would be developed shows
 its relationship to other major developments in the area. It was created by
Gordon Certain of the North Buckhead Civic Association and includes the
former site plan for the Sembler/Fuqua development. The new site plan has
not really been made public. It was just recently revised.
The resolution, signedby APAB President Cathy Richards and forward to City Council to be entered intorecord at Monday’s council meeting, states: “APAB, on behalf of NPUs citywide,urges all Atlanta City Council members from all districts and all at-largemembers to vote NO and to DENY approval of CDP-11-06 and Z-11-19 (SPI-15Lindbergh Retail Center).”
The City Council meetingMonday is at 1 p.m. at City Hall, 55 Trinity Avenue in downtown Atlanta.
Buckhead Dist. 8Councilwoman Yolanda Adrean at a meeting of the Buckhead Council ofNeighborhoods Thursday night urged Buckhead residents to come to the councilmeeting and have their positions heard. The problem is that the public is notallowed to speak about zoning issues during the public comment period of thecouncil meeting. That has to be done at the Zoning Committee meetings.
Dist. 8 City Councilwoman
Yolanda Adrean 
Talking withBuckheadView on Friday, Adrean said she sent an email correcting what she hadsaid and said she thought there were four council members who would voteagainst the issues.
BuckheadView counts atleast five, all of which represent and live in Buckhead who should be expectedto support their Buckhead constituents. . Those would be Adrean,Dist. 7 Councilman Howard Shook, Dist. 6 Councilman Alex Wan, who chairs theZoning Committee and is vice chair of the Community Development/Human Relations Committee, Dist. 9 Councilwoman Felicia Moore and Aaron Watson, who is acouncilman at large, but lives in Buckhead and relies heavily on Buckheadvoters.
Other members of CityCouncil who might be expected to consider voting in line with the wishes ofBuckhead residents would be Councilman at large H. Lamar Willis, whoundoubtedly gets much of his campaign funding from Buckhead, and CouncilPresident Ceasar C. Mitchell, who will not likely have a vote but earns most ofhis income through his law office located in Buckhead.
Dist. 9 Councilwoman
Felicia Moore
Dist. 7 City Councilman
Howard Shook
Dist. 11 CouncilwomanKeisha Lance Bottoms, Dist. 12 Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd and Dist. 10Councilman C.T. Martin, all are facing similar problems with developers wantingchanges in the Comprehensive Development Plan and zoning changes in southwestAtlanta in order to plaster the area with discount retailers, such as DollarStores.
Their NPUs alsosupported the APAB resolution Saturday related to the Buckhead development,largely because there is a concern that if the adopted CDP and Special PublicInterest area zonings are ignored by City Council, then they lose control overplanning and development in any area of the city.
Richard Rauh, the APABrepresentative from NPU-B told Buckhead View “The vote was solidly unanimouswith NPU delegates endorsing it from all over town. There was no dissent,none.” He said there was a quorum of 13 of the 25 NPUs at the meeting andvoting, which he called “a good representation on any Saturday” at the APABmeetings.
“It was a solid citywideconsensus,” he added   
The site plan above was the last one seen by NPU-B and rejected because
of the 150,000 square foot Walmart store (top left in brown color) and
7 acres of surface parking lot in front of it. This plan apparently has been
changed, but NPU=B and the Buckhead neighborhoods have not seen the
new site plan and it is apparently not available online for viewing. The
members of City Council apparently do have copies of the new plan.  
Councilwoman Adrean said she believes she and her colleagues will voteon rezoning all 21 acres from residential to commercial on Monday, even thoughthe developers, the Sembler Co. and Fuqua Development, have presented a planfor a mixed-use development including less than 50 percent of residential andover 50 percent retail, with a 150,000 big box store, presumably a Walmart.

“The plan, I think, leaves a lot to be desired,”Adrean said. But she said a new site plan for the development does show lesssurface parking area, which was one of the major points of contention withNPU-B with the earlier plan.

The site plan by Lawrenceville-based Haines,Gipson and Associates shows space for multifamily residences but Adrean said noresidential developer has signed onto the project. Substantial changes weremade to the site plan after denial by the Neighborhood Planning Unit B, but thatbody has not seen the new site plan, Adrean said.

“I was not sent a revised site plan,” BuckheadView was told by NPU-Bchair Sally Silver.  “I have seen the proposed park design worked out withthe Parks Department,” which apparently now includes a playground.
NPU-B chair Sally Silver

Silver said, “Revised plans do not have to come back through the NPU,only amendments to the re-zoning application.  This particular case has noapplication as it originated with the Zoning Committee of Council via AaronWatson's introduction in 2011,” she added.
Adreanpointed out that the stakes are high related to this Council decision. “If they lose this vote,” she said about developersSembler and Fuqua, as well as Walmart, “there will be a lawsuit.”
It will be interesting to see how the members of City Council react tothe resolution sent to them by APAB, since 13 of the NPUs that represent theircouncil districts all approved the resolution on Saturday with no dissentingvotes.
The introduction to the APAB resolution reads: A Resolution by the Atlanta PlanningAdvisory Board advising the Atlanta City Council to uphold provisions of SPI-15in its current form and to REJECT proposed legislation CDP-11-06 and Z-11-19(SPI-15 Lindbergh Retail Center) that has been forwarded to Council by bothCouncil's CD/HR and Zoning Committees without recommendation.
The resolution pointsout that APAB is the citizen body consisting of delegates representing the 25NPUs of the city “established by the Atlanta City Charter to be advisory oncitywide issues of planning and other public policy governmental matters to thosecharged with legislative and administrative functions in city government.”
City Council President Ceasar
Mitchell. Will he influence
the vote of City Council?
It also points out thateach NPU is an official, geographically-determined “citizen participation entitydesignated by Atlanta city government for the purpose of obtaining citizeninput concerning administrative and legislative actions that are proposed andundertaken by the City that are judged to impact citizens of that NPU inparticular and the City generally”
The resolution statesthat APAB, along with various NPUs and others,” has for more than a decadeworked in concert with and support of the Department of Planning, Developmentand Neighborhood Conservation of the city of Atlanta as it designed with care,academic best practice and community consent the forward-looking Special PublicInterest Districts including that of (SPI-15) Lindbergh Transit Station Area.”
Dist. 6 Councilman
Alex Wan, is chair of
Council's Zoning
Committee and vice
chair of Community
Relations committee,
both heard the issue.
The resolution statesthe intent of the original legislation that established SPI-15 in the year 2001was, among other provisions: to "...Enhance and protect the LindberghTransit Station area as a model for retrofitting an existingautomobile-oriented commercial strip into a transit and pedestrian orientedmixed-use and multi-family urban neighborhood; ...provide for apedestrian-oriented environment on streets and sidewalks; ...maximize access totransit; ...encourage use of transit infrastructure; ...reduce parking requirementsby encouraging shared parking and alternative modes of transportation; ..improveaccess and reduce congestion; ...facilitate safe and convenient pedestrian andbicycle circulation and minimize conflict between pedestrians and vehicles; and...reduce vehicular congestion."
APAB pointed out thatdenial of CDP-11-06 and Z-11-19 will preserve the intent of SPI-15 and sustain itspromise for an improved future for the Lindbergh Transit Station Area withregard to reduced traffic congestion by continuing its future development as atransit-oriented residentialenvironment primarily andby continuing to reduce its effective function as a commercial destination that acts asa magnet for wasteful and destructive automobile usage.”
APAB said approval ofCDP-11-06 and Z-11-19 ”is likely to undermine and perhaps destroy forever any potentialfor the Lindbergh Transit Station Area to fulfill its visionary potential.”
It further points outthat NPUs citywide, in addition to NPU-F and NPU-B,  “recognize the potential for detrimentalconsequences of dismantlement of SPIs in their own areas and the effective abandonmentof years of citizen involvement that were devoted to crafting of those SPIs.” 

(NPU-B also sent a letter to City Council members outlining is objections to both the land use and zoning changes for the proposed development. For that story, click here,)

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