16 Eylül 2012 Pazar

NCA meeting gives Northside Drive stakeholders chance to participate in development visioning

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What if Northside Drive fromI-75 south was suddenly transformed into Peachtree Street? What would thecommercial development look like? What kind of transit system would exist? Howwould the adjacent neighborhoods by affected?  

Mike Dobbins
Former Atlanta PlanningCommissioner and present Georgia Tech professor Mike Dobbins and his urban study studentswill make a presentation to the Northwest Community Alliance (NCA) Wednesday (Sept.19) of their recent study “Northside Drive—The Grand Transit Boulevard.”
The 7 p.m. meeting atthe Senior Center, 1705 Commerce Drive in Berkeley Park, “will be a two-waystreet, with the speakers soliciting input from the audience,” said NCAchairman Mike Koblentz.
Koblentz explained thetext from Dobbins' Northside Drive-the Grand Transit Boulevard, says in part:"The corridor for the most part is in a shabby, ragtag condition, offeringlittle in the way of transit, sidewalks or cycling, and not even accommodatingcars and parking in an effective way.  Yet its prime location offersenormous untapped opportunities for a boulevard centered growth corridor,opportunities that have been largely missed because of its discouragingcondition and for a lack of a comprehensive land use/transportation/communitydevelopment vision."
Koblentz said thismeeting, which will be participatory in nature between the students and theaudience, will be heavily attended by stakeholders who live in the area and whohave worked on issues impacting neighborhoods from Berkeley Park to Vine Cityand other surrounding areas along the Northside Drive corridor. 
Mike Koblentz
In recent years, the NCAhas held several meetings and backed actions focusing on issues ofimportance in the Northside Drive corridor. “We are privileged to be workingalong with excellent elected officials, Neighborhood Planning Unit leaders, theWestside Communities Alliance and so many others who have been working foryears to help transform the area,” Koblentz stated. 
In addition, Koblentzsaid the NCA “is pleased to welcome Robbie Burr, NPU-G Subcommittee Chair ofthe Executive Committee and one of the folks who has led the effort to re-brandBankhead. “ 
Ms. Burr will lay outthe goal for re-branding for the area bounded by Northside Drive, West MariettaStreet, Perry Boulevard, Inman Yard/Norfolk Southern Rail LIne, Simpson/BooneRd and the Chattahoochee River/Cobb/County Line. 
“The decision willultimately be made by seven NPU's which will decide what the new name will be ifthe decision is to re-brand,” Koblentz explained.  “The idea, as Iunderstand it is just not about a name change but an attempt to promote realchange in the area.” He said this part of the program “also will include giveand take with the NCA audience.”
The NCA is anorganization of neighborhoods and neighborhood friendly businesses in thenorthwest section of the city of Atlanta, including those in southwestBuckhead.

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