14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

A Glowing Review of the Orion School!

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The Orion School's adaptive, strength based, and experiential program has a solid reputation as a go-to school for capable students who have neurobehavioral conditions including ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. We serve a unique niche in the special education world of Atlanta and often have educators and mental health professionals who are interested in observing what we are doing.

Recently an experienced certified educator named Tangie asked if she could fulfill a requirement for an educational degree practicum by observing at the Orion School. After her observation obligation was met Tangie was kind enough to write the following letter. Her high praise for what she observed resonates with similar comments we hear when educational and mental health professionals visit the Orion School.

August 22, 2012

To whom it may concern:
It is with sheer delight that I applaud The Orion School for its innovative approach to educating students with various neurobehavioral conditions. As a Georgia multi-certified teacher in Special Education, I am left in utter amazement by the educational principles and practices that this school embodies. From the implementation of brain-based toys and techniques, to the execution of differentiated and data-driven instruction, The Orion Schooloffers an individualized educational approach to learners with emotional and social challenges in a comforting and supportive environment.
It has been my privilege to observe at The Orion School. In one week, I gained the opportunity to tour the lively campus, talk with informative administrators, and glean from creative teachers in the classroom. The serene yet structured climate at this school is one that breeds emotional security while fostering academic growth. The faculty and staff are as knowledgeable as they are patient, warm and helpful. At this school, students’ individual voices are heard and respected. Lesson’s objectives are student-centered and are presented in palatable, bite-sized chunks for students to aptly understand. Students are redirected with care and value. No child is neglected or avoided.
To top it off, I had the opportunity to accompany both teachers and students on their extended curricular activities which included hiking, swimming, gymnastics, and dance. Back at the school, I saw students with hyperactive disorders rhythmically playing the drums, while in another class observed students flying paper airplanes while measuring its distance, speed and height. I fed chickens with the students. I observed the beautiful butterfly garden in full bloom and wondered with anticipation if the watermelon growing in the garden was ready to be picked. I heard soft music being played in one classroom, while in another I observed students feeding the box turtle, the guinea pig, the corn snake, and several fish. I cannot fail to mention Charlie, the school’s therapy dog. What a wonderful finishing touch.
Needless to say, I have been thoroughly impressed with the magnitude of stimulating and adaptive sensory-based methods implemented at The Orion School. It has proved to be a rewarding experience, one that I will not soon forget. I am challenged as an educator to listen to the voices of my students with increased depth. It is necessary that I validate their concerns and address their needs as a whole individual.
Tangie Marie Rahming, MEd

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