10 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba

Heritage Society, Business Association planning Buckhead’s 175th anniversary celebration event

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In 1838, Henry Irbypurchased just over 202 acres of land surrounding the present intersection ofPeachtree, Roswell and Paces Ferry roads for just $650.

Irby soon established ageneral store and tavern at the junction and a small crossroads community wasborn…the community today known as Buckhead.
On March 1 of next year,the Buckhead Heritage Society, in partnership with the Buckhead BusinessAssociation, will hold an evening gala event at the Buckhead Theatre tocelebrate the 175th anniversary of the founding of the community.
The restored Buckhead Theatre will be the site for 175th birthday event.
The theatre, itself abit of Buckhead’s history, stands at the historic hub of the once ruralsettlement and across the intersection from where Irby’s Tavern once stood.
The two honoraryco-chairs for the event are Charlie Loudermilk, who in recent years paidmillions to restore the Buckhead Theatre to grandeur, and Sam Massell, theunofficial mayor of Buckhead and probably the Buckhead community’s most activepromoter.
Wilbur Kurtz's watercolor of Henry Irby's Tavern circa 1850, courtesy of
the Atlanta History Center. 
Thinking of what those202 acres Irby bought for $650 are likely worth today, brings to mind a phraseoften pitched by Massell, president of the Buckhead Coalition: “If you buy abit of Buckhead and take care of it today, it will take care of you tomorrow.”
That is somethingBuckhead Heritage and the Buckhead Business Association hope many will considernow as they begin seeking sponsors for the March 1, 2013 event.  The two groups are seeking corporate and individualsponsors willing to contribute between $1,000 and $10,000 to preserve the community's history for future generations to enjoy.
Proceeds from the event,billed as “Buckhead’s 175th Anniversary: Yesterday, Today andTomorrow,” will benefit the creation of a “Master History Plan” for thecommunity that will map out how to integrate historic sites and stories intothe Buckhead Collection—a system of new parks, trails and green spaces beingspearheaded by Livable Buckhead, Inc.
Wright Mitchell,
president of Buckhead
Historic Society
According to WrightMitchell, president of Buckhead Heritage Society, “The history planning projectwill develop our storylines, identify which sites we should use to tell ourhistory, and recommend the best ways to share each story with thecommunity—through signage, exhibits, public art, publications or digitalmedia.”
Guests at the March 1 eventwill experience a photographic retrospective of Buckhead’s history, which willeducate, entertain and encourage those guests to share their own memories ofthe ever-evolving community of Buckhead. But that is not all, guests will alsoenjoy music, dancing, drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
In addition to thehonorary co-chairs, Caroline and Boyd Leake are co-chairs for the event and thehost committee chairs are Blain and Ivan Allen, and Carter and Hampton Morris.
Those $10,000 PresentingSponsors will get 12 tickets for guests to the event with access to a privateVIP section, prominent recognition on all printed and electronic eventpromotion, company name and logo on up to 1500 invitations, company logo on theBuckhead Theatre marquee prior to and during the event, company logo andhyperlink on web pages and newsletters of both Buckhead Heritage and BuckheadBusiness Association and other promotional opportunities.
Honorary co-chair
Sam Massell

Honorary co-chair
Charlie Loudermilk
Gold Sponsors at $5,000get eight guest tickets with access to the private VIP section and $2,500Silver Sponsors get four guest tickets with access to the private VIP section.The $1,000 Bronze Sponsors get four guest tickets to the event.  The other some of the other benefits remainthe same for all levels of sponsors, but some benefits disappear as the sponsorlevel gets smaller.
Sponsor commitment mustbe received by Dec. 14 of this year for recognition on the event invitations.So, think about investing in a bit of Buckhead today, if 2013 budget planningis now underway.
For further informationabout sponsorships or the event, contact Erica Danylchak, executive director ofthe Buckhead Heritage Society, at 404-467-9447, or email her atedanylchak@buckheadheritage.com.
For more informationabout Buckhead Heritage, go to www.buckheadheritage.com and for information about theBuckhead Business Association go to www.buckheadbusiness.org.

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