6 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Experiential Learning in Action at the Orion School

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Educating bright and capable students who have neurobiological conditions including ADHD, Asperger’s and anxiety requires an approach that nurtures and celebrates the innate curiosity and love of learning each child brings to school. Concepts need to be taught in a multisensory and multi-webbed way for our inconsistent learners to make real life connections. At the Orion School we are able to extend curriculum learning through expert on-site visitors or off-site experiential opportunities each week.
This past week Dennis Holman from Georgia Wigglers visited the Orion School to teach our students about Vermicomposting as part of our Greenspace with Grace outdoor classroom initiative. We have always had a small worm bin and we were ready for more. During Dennis Holman’s interactive presentation our students made many connections that can only be made with hands on experiences. They learned that:   
·         A worm farm  (vermicomposting) is a fantastic way to turn your organic waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer for your plants and soils. ·         A worm farm uses worms to turn organic matter into fertilizer.·       A worm farm is also known as vermicomposting.·         Peat moss makes a great bedding source for a worm farm.·         The worms in a well taken care of worm farm can double in number every three months.·          Dennis Holman with Ga Wigglers Worm Farm raises hundreds of thousands of worms annually! ·         Worm castings are the rich organic soil has been created by materials that worms digest. They are aka worm poo! ·         Worm castings are the 3rd strongest organic soil amendment after Eelgrass and Bat Guano. ·         Worm castings enhance the growth process of whatever you are growing.·         When Dennis passed around a box of worm castings one of our students said about the rich loam “it smells like chocolate”.·         Worms need 3 things to survive 1) air 2) water 3) food. ·         Worms are vegetarians and will eat anything including donuts, cake, and bread.·         Worms love cotton and will turn a pair of jeans into worm castings in a month!  ·         Worm tea is an instant form of fertilizer for plants and starting seedlings. “Tea?” one of our students asked quizzically, “Can you drink it?” J  
    The OrionSchool will continue to engage our students by giving them access    to  high interest and enriching learning opportunities. Through this method       we are also able to better meet the Common Core Georgia Performance    Standards that guide our curriculum development as well as maintain the    high quality GAC accreditation standards that are best practice in special    education. After last week’s Worm Day, I am pretty sure the Orion School    students know more than any other students in Atlanta about any concept in    earth science that has any connection to worms!

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