2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Crane breaks, leaving Macy’s Great Tree dangling

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TheMacy’s Great Tree was drooping sadly over the side of the building  Wednesday after a crane broke while loweringthe Christmas tree from atop the department store at Lenox Square mall,according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

This photo from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
shows the Macy's Great Tree drooping over the
side of the roof of the store with the broken crane.
Thehuge crane apparently buckled near the top, leaving the tree dangling over thethree-story glass façade along the north side of the Macy’s store the AJCreported. Pieces of the tree and at least one of the large ornaments fell ontoan awning below, and a large pane of glass on the third floor was shattered.
AnAtlanta police spokeswoman said there were no reports of injuries. Lenox Squaresecurity blocked off the north parking lot of the mall, and asked news media toleave the property.
LateWednesday morning, a second crane was brought in to make another attempt atremoving the tree, according to the AJC.
Theincident was the second mishap in as many holiday seasons involving the Macy’stree.
In 2011, the trunk of a 60-footwhite pine tree cracked before it could be hoisted to the top of the store anda back-up tree had to be cut down and delivered.
For thefull AJC report, go here.

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