Jim Durrett, executivedirector of the Buckhead Community Improvement District (CID), will speak atthe Buckhead Business Association’s Weekly Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, July12, at the City Club of Buckhead.
“Jim Durrett comes tous with a wealth of expertise in transportation, land use and creative livablecommunities,” notes Catherine Cattles, 2012 president of the BBA. “Welook forward to hearing from him about his mission to make Buckhead a morewalkable and liveable urban environment, including his plans for improvements tothe transportation network and public realm that connect people and placeswithin the Buckhead community, despite limited resources.”
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Durrett formerly waswith the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce as the vice president ofEnvironmental Affairs, and was the senior vice president and chief operatingofficer of The Georgia Conservancy.
He began hisprofessional career as a hydrogeologist in the DeKalb County office of GolderAssociates, an international geotechnical and environmental engineeringconsulting firm.
Durrett is activelyinvolved in the community and currently serves on the following boards: MARTA board of directors (which he chaired in 2011); Livable CommunitiesCoalition board of trustees; Project Interconnections advisory board; and VSAArts of Georgia board of directors. He is a member of LeadershipAtlanta’s Class of 2013.
From 1998 to 2005,Durrett was a member of the Georgia Environmental Advisory Council, appointedby the Governor to advise the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, theGeorgia Environmental Protection Division and the governor on environmentalpolicy matters. He was a member of the inaugural class of the Institutefor Georgia Environmental Leadership and a participant in the RegionalLeadership Institute.
Durrett chaired theadvisory committee for Georgia For a Lifetime, an initiative of the GeorgiaCouncil on Aging. He also has served on numerous collaborative committeesand task forces working on growth management, affordable housing andenvironmental issues in the state of Georgia.
An Atlanta native, Durrettattended the Westminster Schools in Atlanta and earned a bachelor’s degree inEconomics from the University of Virginia and a master's degree in Geology fromthe University of Georgia. He completed post-graduate work inhydrogeology at the University of Texas. He lives in DeKalb County withhis wife, Pat. They have two sons, James and Ryan, both attendingcollege.
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