14 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Weekly Buck Hunts end, but still chance for big win

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Well, all good thingsmust come to an end, and last week’s clues for the Bucks on the Street contestwere the last for now.Buck Hunt Week 9 took itall home, literally, with bucks at two high-rise residences: the Gallerycondominiums at 2795 Peachtree Road and the O5 apartment residences at BuckheadPlace. Here is the lowdown on the two final bucks.

Buck 17 located at the Gallery

Buck17 is located at theGallery residences (http://www.gallerybuckhead.com/) across Peachtree Road from the Cathedral of St. Philip and across Rumson Roadfrom Fellini’s Pizza. The artist for artistic buck was Jaia Robinson (http://www.wetpaintnow.com/) . Thesponsor for the buck is the Gallery Residences homeowners association. CoolFact: Gallery Residences is a27-story condominium tower located in the heart of Buckhead offering luxurycondominium homes, unbeatable amenities, a tennis court, resort-style pool deckand a 1,000 square foot private art gallery.
Buck18 is located at BuckheadPlace in front of the O5 luxury apartments building, which along with BuckheadPlace is a Coro Realty Advisors development. The artists were Matthew Miller & Morris Ward. The sponsor for whatmight be considered the most well-dressed buck is Buckhead Place at the corner ofPeachtree and Piedmont roads.
Winner of last week’sbuck hunt and the $25 Target gift card was Katie Boteler.
Buck 18 is located at O5 apartment
building at Buckhead Place
Tom Bastek, thecoordinator of the Buck Hunt these many weeks for Livable Buckhead offered thefollowing epilog about the experience:
Alasmy friends, we have made it to the end.Thereare no more street bucks around the next bend.Thereare so many to thank, and so little time, Soperhaps instead, I will leave this last rhyme behind:
Wehave journeyed near and far, and found some new places, Madesome new friends, and put old names with new faces.Ihope you have gotten outside and found a buck or two toclimb Thestory here is done, until the next Once upon a time….
Hey Buck Hunters!  Did you miss a buck?  Here is your chance to go back and getthem!  You have until August 31stat 11:59PM to get those pictures to tom@batma.orgfor more chances at that fantastic Stay-cation! But nothing worth winning isn’tworth a little effort.
Follow these links tothe clues for each of the nine weeks of the Buck Hunt. Good Luck!
For the two sets of Week1 clues, go here and here. For Week 2, go here and here. For Week, 3 go here.Week 4, go here. Week 5, go here. Week 6, go here. Week 7, go here. Week 8, gohere. Both sets of clues for Week 9, the final week, are posted here.

Or, you can go directly to Livable Buckhead's presentation of all the bucks that the clues here or here.

APD deputy chief Buckhead business group speaker

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Shawn L. Jones, deputychief of the Atlanta Police Department, will speak at the Buckhead BusinessAssociation Weekly Breakfast Thursday, Aug. 16, at the City Club of Buckhead.Police Chief George Turner was originally scheduled to be the speaker but Jonesis speaking in his place.

Joneswas appointed to the rank of deputy chief in January of 2010 and is responsiblefor managing the Atlanta Police Department's Support Services Division. Priorto his appointment, Deputy Chief Jones commanded the Hartsfield-Jackson AtlantaInternational Airport police precinct from 2008 to 2010. During his tenure atthe airport, it was ranked the busiest airport in the world in 2008 and 2009.
Deputy Chief Shawn Jones
DeputyChief Jones managed 153 employees at the H-JAIA (the K-9 unit, the Explosive OrdinanceDisposal Unit, mobile and fixed post officers, police dispatchers andadministrative support employees). Moreover, he prepared and managed a 16.9million dollar budget consistent with the airport's strategic plan and businessplanning process.
In a post 9/11environment at the H-JAIA, Deputy Chief Jones worked closely with federal,state, and local law enforcement personnel (the Aviation Federal SecurityDirector, the FBI, TSA, the Federal Air Marshalls, etc.). In addition, heactively communicated with airport police commanders in the US and abroad as amember of the Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network (ALEAN).
Deputy Chief Jones wasappointed to the rank of Police Major in May of 2007 and assigned to theCorporate Services Section. The Corporate Services Section is comprised ofProperty Control, Personnel Services, Finance, Grants Management, FleetServices and Background and Recruitment. In 2007, he oversaw the APD’sBackground and Recruitment Unit's successful effort of hiring a record-setting251 police recruits in a single year.
Jones began his lawenforcement career with the Atlanta Police Department in 1986. After graduatingfrom the Atlanta Police Academy, he was assigned to work at the Zone Fourpolice precinct (Southwest Atlanta). He was promoted to the rank of sergeant in1993 and was assigned to the Zone Six (Northeast Atlanta) where he worked as apatrol supervisor. In June 1997, Jones was promoted to the rank of lieutenantand assigned as the Day Watch patrol commander in Zone Two, which includesBuckhead.  
Prior to joining theAPD in 1986, Jones earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications atMorris Brown College.  In 2005 he graduated from Troy University withhonors (Sigma Beta Delta) earning a Master of Public Administration.
The Buckhead BusinessAssociation (BBA) Weekly Breakfast Series takes place each Thursday morningfrom 7:20 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the City Club of Buckhead, located on the 18thfloor of the Atlanta Financial Center, 3343 Peachtree Road N.E. 
Tickets are $10 forBBA members and $20 for visitors and guests.  Validated self-parking isavailable for all attendees. For more information, please visit the BBA websiteat www.buckheadbusiness.org.

Visiting Nurse Health System to honor Buckhead resident Andy Been at 25th annual event

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Buckhead resident AndyBeen will be this year’s honoree of the Visiting Nurse Health System’s 25th  annual “In the Moment - A Celebration of Life fundraiserto be held Saturday, Sept. 29th. The evening benefits Visiting NurseHealth System’s hospice program at home and the Hospice Atlanta Center.
Buckhead resident Andy Been 

Been, is a VisitingNurse Health System Advisory Board member and, along with friends and family,established the Billie S. Been Foundation in memory of his first wife Billie.The Been family experienced first-hand the comfort of Visiting Nurse HealthSystem hospice nurses and social workers. 
Through generous supportfrom the Been family’s foundation, Visiting Nurse Health System started andcontinues to offer the Camp STARS family bereavement camp eachspring.
Presentingsponsor Northside Hospital is one of many companies supportingthis year’s event. Captain Forrest Leef and Dr. Dorothy Mitchell-Leef are eventco-chairs and will serve with other volunteers to support fundraisingefforts. 
The event, to be heldat the Ritz-Carlton Atlanta hotel, will feature a cocktail reception andentertainment followed by dinner and a live and silent auction. John Bachman,anchor for Channel 2 WSB-TV, is master of ceremony for the evening.
Many people do notrealize the gap that exists between the actual costs of hospice servicesdelivered and the amount reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid and commercialinsurance. In 2012, Visiting Nurse Health System, with help from communitysupport, expects to provide approximately $7 million of care to theunderinsured.
Founded in 1948,Visiting Nurse Health System is Georgia's largest nonprofit provider ofhealthcare at home. Its mission is to improve the lives of those it serves. Formore information on Visiting Nurse Health System or to make reservations for “In The Moment – Celebration of Life,please visit www.vnhs.org or call 404-215-6010.

Lindbergh ‘big box’ project opponents form web site

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Savelindbergh.orgis a website that has been launched in opposition to the controversialmixed-use, big box development proposed for the Lindbergh Center area of southBuckhead by the Sembler Co. and Fuqua Development.

NPU-B's Abbie Shepherd
Thedevelopment plans for the site, bordered by Morosgo, Adina and Lindbergh roadsoff of Piedmont Road, have been denied by Neighborhood Planning Unit B onseveral occasions over the past 18 months and has drawn largely negativereviews from almost all surrounding neighborhoods.
NPU-BBoard member Abbie Shepherd told members of the Buckhead Council ofNeighborhoods about the site its Aug. 9 meeting during a lengthy discussion ofthe proposed development that included Dist. 7 Atlanta City Councilman HowardShook, who represents that part of Buckhead.
The www.savelindbergh.orgweb site has been established to inform the public about why the negativeimpact of the development on the community, show ways that those interested cancontribute to the anti-development initiative and enable others to get the wordout about the movement.
Theweb site states its purpose as follows: “Savelindbergh.org is made up of the people in opposition to this project. We are localresidents, neighborhood organizations, homeowner and civic associations,business owners, concerned citizens and voters. You can join too by commentingon this very site and contacting your local City Council members.”
Theweb site features a listing of contact information for members of the AtlantaCity Council and signed letters of opposition.
During the discourse at the Council of Neighborhoods meeting, Shook askedShepherd to make her name and the names of others directly affiliated with thesite more visible to facilitate "meaningful dialogue." While Shepherdagreed to post those names on the site.

‘Gastropub’ to replace MARKET at W hotel Buckhead

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If you are paying the price to stay at a W hotel, will you becontent to only have a “gastropub” available for food....unless, of course, you decide to gosomeplace else?

That apparently is going to be the case at the W hotel locatedat 3777 Peachtree Road in Buckhead.
A press release has announced that a “gastropub” named Cook Hallwill replacing the MARKET restaurant that has been a staple at the hotel since2009.
Cook Hall is not referring to a room where guests can go andcook their own meals. It will be a bar and restaurant that serves high-end beerand food—small plates under the direction of chef David Goss. That apparentlyis what a “gastropub” is all about.
According to the press release, the Cook Hall gastropub concept wasconceived by Culinary Concepts Hospitality Group. The redesign will cost anestimated $282,694 and the interior is being handled by local design firm BlackdogStudio and will feature an 18-seat bar.
“What Now Atlanta” first reported MARKET's closing after itdiscovered a building permit application filed with City of Atlanta to renovatethe space.